Exodus Books–Hand Picked Literature. Worth visiting

In looking for reading and math resources this week, I discovered Exodus Books right here in nearby Milwaukie Oregon! They have “hand picked literature”–books for “edification”, “education”, and “enjoyment.” What a great experience. Can you imagine a bookshop where they actually review the books so that they can sell you those that they believe have the greatest value? Their staff have personally reviewed thousands of books. We spent time browsing their educational literature, and their website had better, more informative descriptions than I had found in the hours previously searching the web.

What they do in the Exodus Bookshop is much like what we did with Oasis Bookshop in Jos, Nigeria for 13 years–hand pick books that we believed would edify, educate, and provide enjoyment to the people of Nigeria. We estimate that over 3 million books and Bibles went out to individuals, families, pastors and churches during that time.

If you are looking for great books for your family–both new and used–Exodus Books is a good place to start.

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